How do you know if you have a groundhog under your shed or porch?

Groundhogs burrow up to 700 pounds of soil when digging their burrows, which can cause soil erosion and if done under your shed or porch, it can undermine the foundation of your building. They dig as deep as 5 feet with close to 45 feet of tunnel area with around 2 to 5 separate entrances. Due to the high volume of soil turned when building their dens, you would need to get rid of these rodents very quickly, to maintain the safety of your property.

There are a few tell-tale signs that would let you know if there is a groundhog under your shed or porch area. These are:

Mounds of Dirt
To dig a den, groundhogs leave mounds of dirt around the area and they are constantly digging, improving their burrow, which is the most important factor of why you need to get them off your property. If you notice fresh dirt around your porch or shed, leave a stick at the entrance of each hole. If you notice the stick has moved or covered with dirt at least three days after you placed it, then the den is active.

Holes in the ground
Groundhogs dig between 2 to 5 different entrances for their dens so that they can quickly retreat to it from threats such as predators. These entrances are small holes that are tunnels under the ground, leading to the dens or burrows they dug under your porch or shed. If you notice any holes in close proximity to these areas, then chances are that there is a groundhog on your property.

To warn other groundhogs of threats such as predators, groundhogs give off a high-pitched whistle. The sound is produced from between its teeth, hence the nickname whistle pig. The groundhog would retreat to its den which would be very close to wear it lets off its whistle, so if you hear these sounds then more than likely a groundhog has taken up residence on your property.

Crop Damage
Groundhogs are very lazy creatures and if you have a garden, it means that they have an abundance supply of food. If you notice damage to your crops and mounds of earth that are lose around the area with small holes, check under your den or porch for signs that a groundhog has made its home there. They dig for grub as well, but they are primarily prone to eating vegetables, berries, flowers, leaves and grass and they can also climb trees and pick your fruit. If you live in an area that are prone to groundhogs, you may want to take preventative measures to keep them out. You can throw Epsom salt regularly around your garden and lawn, which can also help your plants but keep out the groundhog. Ammonia soaked rags can also be placed around your garden which has also works as a repellent for groundhogs. You can also hang some decorative metal pieces that would make noise in the wind, which may startle and scare them off.

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